
Human Resource Management
Logix system for managing human resources and self-services
Human Resource Management
Logix system for managing human resources and self-services
Human Resource Management
Logix system for managing human resources and self-services
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Human Resource Management

- Standard Solutions for Information Technology provides professional solutions and services to improve, facilitate and develop business. These solutions help decision makers in making appropriate decisions.
- Companies give great attention to their employees in order to achieve the company's goals, so it was necessary for them to use a system in order to measure, follow-up and preserve the rights of their employees, and here we offer the best solutions in the world in this field
- The human resource management system is one of the solutions of Logix resource planning systems, as the system provides a comprehensive and complete solution for managing human capital in an easy and smart way. Projects and task system
Personnel-related costs constitute the highest percentage of corporate expenses. Logix solutions enable companies around the world to reduce these costs by automating all operations related to this field and converting human resource functions into jobs that develop and deliver programs to improve employee efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

- The system covers everything related to human resources from the organizational structure of the company and then the job description of the jobs and linking them to the salary scale and then the announcement of the job and the nomination and acceptance and sending job offers and then the appointment and the issuance of electronic work contracts and archiving them and recording all operations related to employees such as allowances, deductions, bonuses, advances, covenants and leaves Assignments, training, attendance, dismissal, performance evaluation, salary processions, and even termination of services. In addition, it provides a portal for employees for self-service to automate all processes, through which the employee can access all information that pertains to him, send requests electronically, and follow them up without the need for paper.

The most important benefits of Logix Human Resources Management System

Automation of all operations in the company and related to employees to electronic and the abolition of the use of papers or e-mail transactions

For employees and reduce costs in management, as all operations are automated

Improve productivity and increase efficiencies.

Advantages offered by Logix system in human resources management solutions

The system is equipped with work system systems, as it applies it automatically, and the system can be provided with the policies and procedures of the establishment for the system to implement

The system is equipped with more than 100 competencies through which we can evaluate workers

With the system, we present 45 ready-to-implement workflow models


system allows the system administrator to create new forms and link them to a workflow without referring to a technical specialist or modifying a previously created workflow or form.

The advantage of linking the system to the official website of the establishment so that jobs are announced and nomination requests are received through the system


Smart electronic preparation linked to a specific site or domain, the employee can only prepare from this domain

Performance indicators and statistical reports


Support for all banks in extracting the wages protection file

بوابة الخدمات الذاتية للموظف والتي يستطيع من خلالها الموظف الوصول لمعلوماته دون الرجوع للموارد البشرية, بالإضافة إلى النماذج المتاحة له للطلبات مثل طلب الإنتداب وطلب إجازة وطلب إستئذان وغيرها


بوابة الخدمات الذاتية للمدراء , والتي يستطيع من خلالها المدير الموافقة على الطلبات التي قدمها موظفيه وكذلك الإطلاع على الحضور والإنصراف الخاص بفريق العمل وتقييم أداء فريق العمل والتفويض في حال الإجازات , وغيرها العديد من المزايا للمدير

The electronic tracker: which, in turn, tracks transactions and requests, finds out about pending requests, determines the specialist and the time period from the last update, and finds out the reason for delay and escalation.


Performance evaluation of all kinds in addition to a 360-degree evaluation


Services provided by Logix system in human resource management solutions

From the beginning of approving the organizational structure of the organization, defining job needs, and approving the salary scale until a job is announced and published through the electronic portal, submission by candidates for this job, receiving nomination requests, electronic interviews, evaluation of candidates, then accepting the employee, sending job offers and signing contracts, all of this is done. From the employment module in the Logix system.

A complete record of the employee from the beginning of his appointment, including his basic data, contract data, contact data, career record, transfers between departments, promotions and bonuses, as well as a record of penalties and violations, in addition to a record of covenants, decisions and observations.

The system offers three types of preparation methods, namely:
* Linking through the fingerprint system.
* Preparation through the system is linked to the Gps site, so that preparation is only done from a pre-determined site for the employee.
* Preparation through the system so that the system sends the site through which the preparation takes place. a

All types of marches such as (the march of monthly salaries at the level of the company, site or department - marches of additional - marches of leave liquidation and end of service - march of assignments - march of bonuses).
These marches go through the workflow for approval
All operations affect the salary from:
* Basic salary .
* Fixed allowances such as (housing - transportation).
* Advances and schedule them so that the system deducts them until the advances expire.
* Variable allowances and deductions such as (rewards - fines) and many others.
* Variables related to attendance and departure such as (overtime - delays - absences - unpaid leaves).
* Leave entitlements.
* End of service dues, whether in the event of resignation or termination of services.
*** The system also provides the advantage of extracting the wages protection file that is sent to the bank, as the system provides this file to all banks.

The system, through the competencies it provides, allows the advantage of defining an evaluation form for each job so that managers can evaluate employees and send the evaluation through the self-managers portal, and the employee can view his evaluation, as well as the 360-degree evaluation feature through which the employee can evaluate his manager or colleague and the evaluation is linked well as a workflow for approval.

All types of leaves and their policies (annual - forced - sick - unpaid - birth - marriage - tests and others). Leave requests also go through a workflow for approval, and the system calculates the balances automatically without manual intervention.

The mechanism for calculating end-of-service rewards, whether in the event of resignation or termination of services, according to the regulations, so that the system calculates the period of service and based on that, the system calculates the reward with an explanation of the reasons, and automatically suspends the employee from the employee and salary records and transfers him to service termination files.

Self-service is one of the most important stages of the Logix system, as it enables employees to complete and follow up their human resource procedures by themselves, which would contribute to facilitating human resource services and help human resource departments focus on strategic programs and initiatives and shift from paper-based to electronic dealing ( Among the most important services provided by the self-service system are:
* Electronic services such as (leave requests - permission requests - assignment requests - letters - exit and return requests - ticket requests - and many other requests that the system administrator can automate.
* Follow up on the status of requests.
* Electronic approvals by managers.
* Electronic tracker: to track pending requests for employees.
* Definition of salary or on top of work.
* Complete information about the employee, salary, documents, etc.
* Electronic preparation and preparation of the Gps through a specific site and inquiring about the attendance and departure of the employee.
* Information about current and previous salaries.
* View the employee's balances, such as leave balance.
* An outgoing mailbox and an incoming mailbox to follow up on requests.
* Electronic delegation in the event of vacations, so that the manager authorizes his representative during the vacation period.
* A library of policies and procedures that the employee can access and review.
* The media center to show circulars, notices and news to employees through the self-service portal.
* Directors of departments and divisions have more powers so that they can view (attendance and departure of the work team - evaluation of the work team's performance - existing requests for the work team - and other requests related to the work team).
Performance indicators and work completion.

The system aims to automate the workflow by linking the administrative forms with the procedures and processes of the various administrative and operational functions. The workflow system contains tools for drawing administrative procedures, designing forms, and managing business tasks according to the various functions. This is in addition to other tools for creating reports and general indicators for follow-up and monitoring:
* Automation of human resource processes.
* Automation of tasks and projects processes.
Business management automation.
* Automating the complaints process.
Customer support automation.
* Automation of billing and payments.
* Automation of supplier management and competition management processes.
** The system is characterized by the ease of designing forms as well as drawing workflow steps and approvals without the need for technical specialists.

The system provides detailed, aggregate and statistical reports for all operations related to human resources, whether by entity, department, department, site or project. These reports help those with authority in making appropriate decisions.